Filming services for companies

Key­fra­me is a small and agi­le com­pa­ny from Nort­hern Bot­nia offe­ring a wide ran­ge of fil­ming ser­vices. We ser­ve clients in Fin­land and abroad. During 15 years we have pro­duced pho­tos and videos for house fac­to­ries, industrials, inte­rior desig­ners and real esta­te agents needs.

Stu­dio with high class equip­ment tra­vels with us all the time. Whe­re ever Your loca­tion we are halfway the­re!

Company and product images

A good pho­to­graph has cer­tain qua­li­ties which requi­re con­si­de­ra­tion and care. Light, sha­dows and colours need to be just right. The ima­ge need be in focus and the tech­nical details preci­se.

A good pho­to­graph is an excel­lent sel­ling point when it shows the pro­duct, the com­pa­ny and its ser­vices and staff in the best pos­sible light.

360° panoramic filming

We were one of the first com­mercial pano­ra­mic pho­to­grap­hers and vir­tual tour crea­tors.

We can crea­te visual­ly stri­king ima­ge­ry with the 360° tech­nique. A pano­ra­mic ima­ge wraps around the viewer and reac­hes a full ver­tical 180° viewing angle. Thus viewers can feel like they are insi­de the pic­tu­re when they move it with a click of a mouse. Addi­tio­nal ele­ments can be added so that the viewer is able to get more infor­ma­tion on objects.

Company and product videos

Videos are part of modern life and cap­tu­re atten­tion in social media and on web­si­tes. Client videos, expert inter­views or com­pa­ny int­ro­duc­tions are easy to sha­re in seve­ral mar­ke­ting chan­nels. A well-made video will last and can be used many times.

Aerial photography with drone cameras

Some­ti­mes a bird’s eye view is the best choice and for that we have dro­ne came­ras. Apart from the more tra­di­tio­nal pho­to­graphs and videos we can also crea­te pho­to­rea­lis­tic 3D models of an envi­ron­ment (pho­to­gram­met­ry).

3D model with photogrammetry

The 3D model pro­duced through pho­to­gram­met­ry is an unbea­table tool for sales and mar­ke­ting in industries, munici­pa­li­ties, and even tou­rism. It also ser­ves as a preci­se inter­nal tool for zoning, map­ping, con­di­tion assess­ment, mea­su­re­ment, and envi­ron­men­tal plan­ning.

A pho­to­gram­met­ry-gene­ra­ted 3D model run­ning in a web brow­ser can be enhanced with embed­ded videos, text, links, and even 360° vir­tual tours!

Wide network of professionals enables also larger productions.

Wor­king with a team of trus­ted media pro­fes­sio­nals we can crea­te an opti­mal team for your pro­ject, star­ting from ini­tial scripts through to full mar­ke­ting cam­paigns. Con­tact us and we’ll tell you more!

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Busi­ness ID: FI3143882‑2

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