Videos are part of modern life and cap­tu­re atten­tion in social media and on web­si­tes. Client videos, expert inter­views or com­pa­ny int­ro­duc­tions are easy to sha­re in seve­ral mar­ke­ting chan­nels. A well-made video will last and can be used many times..

Videos for company’s website

Video production for social media and television

Free plat­forms can be ext­re­me­ly use­ful. For example, it is easy to gain more publici­ty through You­Tu­be or Face­book, and this does not neces­sa­ri­ly requi­re huge financial input. We can pro­vi­de video cam­paigns for TV or Inter­net in such a way that all the neces­sa­ry plat­form speci­fica­tions are inclu­ded.

With fas­ter Inter­net con­nec­tions and devices, viewing figu­res for videos have grown immen­se­ly during the last deca­de. At the same time the qua­li­ty demands have gone up too. The most popu­lar You­Tu­be videos have mil­lions of viewers.

360° videos

With our pre­sent equip­ment we can pro­duce 8K reso­lu­tion 360° videos which can be viewed with all modern smart pho­nes, tablets, com­pu­ters or VR head­sets.  By moving the mouse, the device itself, or your head, you can chan­ge the viewing angle and feel like you are part of the sce­ne.

You­Tu­be and many other plat­forms alrea­dy sup­port 360° ima­ges so the viewer doesn’t have to do anyt­hing special to view them. 360° videos are more and more com­mon. They make a new kind of vir­tual viewing expe­rience now pos­sible.

Filming events and live streaming

You can bring your event wit­hin the reach of many by using live strea­ming, thus making atten­dance pos­sible remo­te­ly. Strea­ming can be done live or as a recor­ding which can be viewed later.  We are able to offer 360° live streams which help the viewer see and obser­ve eve­ryt­hing around them.  The live strea­ming of such a video for You­Tu­be or Face­book can be done with 8K reso­lu­tion.

360° 3D filming

In 3D fil­ming the came­ra cap­tu­res the who­le space at the same time. The came­ras are in a row and thus they can get dif­fe­rent viewing angles for both eyes. This can also be done with 8K reso­lu­tion.  It is good to note that a real 360° 3D ima­ge or video has to be viewed with VR head­sets because a dif­fe­rent ima­ge is shown to each eye.

Important considerations when planning shooting

We col­la­bo­ra­te with video pro­duc­tion pro­fes­sio­nals, and the pro­duc­tion team is always for­med from industry experts as nee­ded for each pro­ject. Your company’s repre­sen­ta­ti­ves are welco­me to par­tici­pa­te in pro­duc­tions, for example by doing some of the acting or scriptw­ri­ting.

A good qua­li­ty video requi­res plan­ning and pro­fes­sio­nal pro­duc­tion. Here are some examples of things worth con­si­de­ring befo­re the fil­ming starts.

  • The objec­ti­ve and main mes­sa­ge of the video, that is, what the viewer is expec­ted to do after watc­hing the video?
  • What chan­nels is the video used for? The tech­nical and edi­to­rial con­text can vary great­ly between dif­fe­rent plat­forms – for example, Ins­ta­gram Sto­ries accepts only ver­tical videos.
  • The bud­get for the pro­duc­tion and mar­ke­ting pha­ses. Even the best videos do not gat­her many viewers wit­hout some adver­ti­sing. That’s why the adver­ti­sing bud­get is an impor­tant con­si­de­ra­tion.
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