3D model with photogrammetry

An unbeatable tool for sales and marketing – for industries, municipalities and tourism

Pho­to­gram­met­ry is a 3D mode­ling tech­nique based on pho­to­grap­hy. It allows for the crea­tion of high­ly accu­ra­te 3D models from pho­to­graphs taken in an area. Pho­to­gram­met­ry is not a recent inven­tion, but it has evol­ved tre­men­dous­ly in a short period of time. Now, it can pro­duce more accu­ra­te 3D models than tra­di­tio­nal lidar scan­ning. In the 3D model we cap­tu­red from an industrial area span­ning hec­ta­res, the mar­gin of error was only 4 cm.

Orthophotos produced with photogrammetry for land surveying and planning

From the same mate­rial pro­duced with pho­to­gram­met­ry, in addi­tion to a 3D model of the area, ort­hop­ho­tos can be gene­ra­ted. An ort­hop­ho­to is a high-reso­lu­tion aerial ima­ge wit­hout ground dis­tor­tions. The aerial ima­ge is com­po­sed of mul­tiple pho­to­graphs taken by a dro­ne, which are stitc­hed toget­her and geo­met­rical­ly cor­rec­ted to match a map or pla­ne coor­di­na­tes.

Ort­hop­ho­tos are an excel­lent tool, especial­ly for urban and munici­pal plan­ning of new resi­den­tial or industrial areas. They offer a cost-effec­ti­ve met­hod for land sur­veying, map­ping, and envi­ron­men­tal plan­ning.

Con­struc­tion com­pa­nies can also bene­fit from ort­hop­ho­tos by incor­po­ra­ting them into their design softwa­re. This allows for calcu­la­tions, such as the amount of top­soil mate­rials nee­ded for earthworks, and the abi­li­ty to start mode­ling buil­dings wit­hin the design softwa­re.

Highly accurate 3D model enables reliable measurements and condition assessments

Pho­to­gram­met­ry can pro­duce very preci­se and detai­led ort­hop­ho­tos and 3D models of even lar­ge industrial areas. From the mode­ling, preci­se area and dis­tance mea­su­re­ments can be con­duc­ted. Con­di­tion assess­ments of sur­face struc­tu­res can be car­ried out wit­hout the need for phy­sical pre­sence on-site, as the detai­led model allows for chec­king the con­di­tion of hard-to-reach struc­tu­res like roofs and other inacces­sible areas. The enti­re model can also be trans­fer­red into a CAD design envi­ron­ment, whe­re, for example, an old ware­house on an industrial site can be demo­lis­hed and a new buil­ding can be mode­led in its place.

In volu­me mea­su­re­ments, accu­racy reac­hes below a cubic meter. Mass inven­to­ry con­duc­ted with pho­to­gram­met­ry is more accu­ra­te and cost-effec­ti­ve com­pa­red to manual and mac­hi­ne-assis­ted met­hods.

Using photogrammetry and enrichments for a completely new virtual tour as a sales asset in tourism

A 3D model crea­ted with pho­to­gram­met­ry that can be inte­rac­ti­ve­ly explo­red in a web brow­ser is alrea­dy an impres­si­ve and dis­tinc­ti­ve way to showca­se an area.

Howe­ver, it can be furt­her enric­hed with embed­ded videos, text, links to reser­va­tion sys­tems, and even 360-degree vir­tual tours! In this case, the pho­to­gram­met­ry-pro­duced aerial pano­ra­ma view, acces­sible in a web brow­ser, ser­ves as the star­ting point for the vir­tual tour.

Buil­dings wit­hin the area can be clic­ked on, allowing users to immer­se them­sel­ves in a 360-degree pano­ra­ma from the cor­rect pers­pec­ti­ve. This approach pro­vi­des inc­re­dibly infor­ma­ti­ve pre­sen­ta­tions tai­lo­red to both tou­rists and ent­husiasts, showca­sing areas such as campgrounds, amuse­ment parks, golf cour­ses, and ski resorts.

Embedded 360° virtual tours take photogrammetry-generated aerial panoramas to the next level

We are one of the first com­mercial pano­ra­mic pho­to­grap­hers and vir­tual tour crea­tors in Fin­land. We have exten­si­ve expe­rience in pro­vi­ding pho­to­grap­hy ser­vices to industrial and ser­vice sec­tor busi­nes­ses. The qua­li­ty of the vir­tual tours we deli­ver is top-notch, and we are capable of pro­ducing them for lar­ge spaces as well.

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Busi­ness ID: FI3143882‑2

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