360° panoramic filming

We can crea­te visual­ly stri­king ima­ge­ry with the 360° tech­nique. A pano­ra­mic ima­ge wraps around the viewer and reac­hes a full ver­tical 180° viewing angle. Thus viewers can feel like they are insi­de the pic­tu­re when they move it with a click of a mouse. This makes an ima­ge even more impres­si­ve.

Addi­tio­nal ele­ments can be added so that the viewer is able to get more infor­ma­tion on objects. Pano­ra­mic ima­ges are use­ful when int­ro­ducing spaces and envi­ron­ments, gui­ding clients around or hel­ping them loca­te ser­vices.

360° virtual tours and virtual spaces


By com­bi­ning seve­ral pano­ra­mic rooms or spaces we can crea­te a vir­tual tour whe­re visi­tors are able to find a rou­te by clic­king floa­ting circles. They can also open dif­fe­rent func­tio­nal ele­ments like pic­tu­res or videos. We can also add moving people or objects, and music or sounds to the ima­ges

Matterport photography and virtual presentations

The Mat­ter­port tech­no­lo­gy enables a cost-effec­ti­ve way to crea­te impres­si­ve and user-friend­ly vir­tual tours. Vir­tual rea­li­ty can be uti­lized, for example, in showca­sing event and mee­ting spaces, pro­per­ties for sale, accom­mo­da­tion faci­li­ties, and other real esta­te.

Mat­ter­port vir­tual spaces can be embed­ded into web­si­tes and func­tion seam­less­ly on almost all brow­sers and devices. Users can navi­ga­te wit­hin the vir­tual space and free­ly explo­re the pro­per­ty, or an auto­ma­ted tour can be crea­ted to showca­se the spaces in a pre­de­ter­mi­ned sequence. Addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion about dif­fe­rent areas can be added to the vir­tual space through embed­ded ima­ges, text, links, and videos.

Mat­ter­port is a pho­to­grap­hy-based 3D mode­ling tech­no­lo­gy that allows for free­ly navi­gable three-dimen­sio­nal floor plans (so-cal­led “Doll­houses”) of spaces.

We pro­duce top-qua­li­ty vir­tual pre­sen­ta­tions using Mat­ter­port, even for lar­ge spaces. Addi­tio­nal­ly, we can crea­te enticing tea­ser videos for social media and inte­gra­te the Mat­ter­port vir­tual pre­sen­ta­tion into Google’s Street View ser­vice.

Instructional and teaching videos

Pano­ra­mic videos are used as instruc­tio­nal or teac­hing aids because they allow a more detai­led look into the sub­ject. For example health clubs and tou­rist des­ti­na­tions have used 360° fil­ming for this pur­po­se.

Street photography for the Google Street View map services

Can you find your address in the Google Street View ser­vice? If Google has not found your pro­per­ty and you would like it to be inclu­ded, we can film and add the ima­ges to their lis­tings. We have a Google appro­ved came­ra and GPS equip­ment for that pur­po­se. This is a good way to con­firm the exis­tence of an address in this use­ful ser­vice. Google also use this data when ran­king your web­si­te.

Or should it be a video after all?

Our 8K reso­lu­tion equip­ment help us to crea­te 360° videos which can be viewed with smart pho­nes, tablets, com­pu­ters or VR head­sets. The viewer can chan­ge the view­point by moving the mouse, or the device, or by moving one’s head

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